"Back to school" is just around the corner! After 37 years in the classroom, I clearly remember the teachers who whined and complained about returning. Conversely, I always looked at the new school year as a new beginning, just like an extra January 1.
Teachers have the ability to influence everything about their students. I hope that teachers will come to the new school year with great expectations, high energy levels, new ideas for student-centered lessons, caring for their students, and a positive attitude. Although negative attitudes receive the most press for spreading quickly, I know for a fact that positive attitudes can be just as contagious!
Sharing a positive outlook with students holds a definite appeal. Kids like to be around people who are happy and seem to enjoy their work. Through the years in my classroom, so many students told me they liked to come in my room because I was always happy to see them. Kids, just like all people, need to feel welcomed and wanted. They know who likes teaching and kids - and who does not like either! Teachers should be willing to project and share their positive feelings about their job and their classes with their students, and I guarantee that those positive feelings will be returned tenfold.
Modeling a good attitude is a good lesson every day! Here's to a great year!
As always, I welcome your comments and suggestions.
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Please invite Grady Gets Glasses (and me) into your school. if you are not in the Pittsburgh area, we do virtual field trips with a group called Field Trip Zoom. www.Fieldtripzoom.com GRADY GETS GLASSES was the winner of Best New Children's Book 2016 from The Authors' Zone. For more information about The Authors' Zone, please visit http://www.theauthorszone.com/submissions/
Visit Dede's webpage for complete details on her award-winning book, STUDENT TEACHING: THE INSIDE SCOOP FROM A MASTER TEACHER. Many colleges have made the book required reading. Signed copies are available www.dederittman.com Dede is also a national speaker on The Three C's for Classroom success: Confidence, communication, and Creativity; Avoiding Teacher burnout; and many other inspirational topics.
I LOVE writing. And I love writing children's books- my newest passion. Although it will be a ton of work, I am looking forward to selling my books. Since I was a secondary teacher, I know that I have much to learn about elementary students, and I will have to follow my own advice and be my genuine self. However, I also know that I am passionate about helping kids who have to wear glasses, and that GRADY GETS GLASSES sends a positive message. I am willing to work hard and do all the things that also made me a successful teacher for 37 years. I remain inspired!
Elementary teachers in Western Pennsylvania and beyond - I am willing to come into your classroom in person or as a virtual field trip through a group called Field Trip Zoom. Check them out! http://www.fieldtripzoom.com/
Teacher friends- let me know if you want me to read GRADY GETS GLASSES at your school. I am willing to come in to discuss the creative writing process, why writing is important, and personal fulfillment through writing, along with reading my book. I would appreciate the exposure, and I would make signed copies available for purchase in your classrooms following the reading. Please email me at dederittman@gmail.com The website www.gradygetsglasses.com now has plush Grady bunnies for sale!
Please like Dede's new page Grady Gets Glasses for updates about her children's book. https://www.facebook.com/gradygetsglasses?ref=hl
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